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AOC makes a fool of herself again in claim on Pager Attacks

Once again, AOC makes erroneous claims against Israel in its war on terror

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted this on Wednesday:

Israel’s pager attack in Lebanon detonated thousands of handheld devices across of a slew of public spaces, seriously injuring and killing innocent civilians.

This attack clearly and unequivocally violates international humanitarian law and undermines US efforts to prevent a wider conflict.

Congress needs a full accounting of the attack, including an answer from the State Department as to whether any US assistance went into the development or deployment of this technology.

ELDER OF ZIYON: I had already anticipated that anti-Israel morons would take that avenue of attack on Tuesday, as I tweeted then. Here is a slight expansion of that  mini-essay.

Since there are already armchair "international law experts" pretending that the pager attack is a violation of international humanitarian law, it is perhaps the most legal large scale attack in history against people hiding amongst civilians.

The principle of distinction says that belligerents must distinguish between combatants and protected civilians. Only Hezbollah operatives would have the pagers, no one else. Having one proves you are a militant. They are the cyber equivalents of uniforms. 

The principle of proportionality says that any harm to civilians must be proportional to the military advantage gained from the attack. The explosives were tiny - the vast majority didn't kill even the people carrying them. 

From all appearances, the pagers themselves were purposefully chosen by Hezbollah to be battle ready. They were especially hardened (assuming they were the Apollo AR-924.)  Their entire purpose was military communication for a terror army. The pagers themselves were not civilian objects - they were military objectives on their own.

The question for the fake "experts" and "human rights professionals" like AOC is the same as always: what could Israel have done to achieve a valid, legal military objective better than it did? With fewer injuries to civilians? 

As always, they can never answer that question except for insisting that Israel should just surrender and let the terrorists have the right to murder Jews. 

Hezbollah has shot hundreds of rockets at Israel, killed many, and tens of thousands of Israelis had to evacuate their homes.  This is a war. Israel just managed to sideline hundreds of fighters in an instant with close to zero collateral damage. 
Nobody could adhere to the laws of armed conflict better than Israel (apparently) did this week. Saying it is a violation of IHL is the exact opposite of the truth - no one has ever mounted an attack that neutralized so many of the enemy in the middle of civilian areas, with almost no civilian casualties, in the history of warfare.

AOC is following the antisemitic playbook. Declare everything Israel does as illegal, and then make everyone think it must be true by calling for an investigation into the nonexistent crime. 

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Apologies. Sra Nada.
Syble Presswood
Genious! I would have never thought of this in a thousand years.Prayers for all of you in Israel.God bless you.
Gerald Adams
A successful precision stike
AOC face it. It was brilliant!
The UN is a communist fraud! Israel you’re awesome
Jim Freiberger
AOC moron. Mossad genius. Sorry for the lengthy lecture.
Joe Cross
The brilliance of the attack is what is so striking. Who would have ever expected this type of attack. No one but the Mossad. It was executed perfectly and has the enemy afraid to use their toaster.
AOC is an absolute disgrace to America and all her people. She must be removed from Congress immediately as a terrorist sympathizer. She and her Squad are absolutely sickening and disgusting.
Bob Farahi
AOC does not know what she is talking about. Her stupidity and arrogance are very obvious.
AOC should be declared what she is and that is a terrorist sympathizer and jew hater and anti-zionist and abs
What hacks she wants the thegnology to hended over Hezbollah terrorist she’s completely out of touch !? Why she never rises her voice to condemn the real criminals terrorist ? Ignorant woman seriousl
James McLaurin
All Out Crazy rides again. She needs to go back to bar tending
I said 🇮🇱are unique 😳He’s more than that !! UN secretary are pro- hamastinian !! Against 🇮🇱 UN is showing thy truth colors Muslim lies without any remorse remember we are “ infidels “ 🙄 ⁉️
What she thinks is irrelevant just as her ignorant mind is irrelevant
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