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ICYMI: WATCH: Douglas Murray at the Munk Debate on Anti-Zionism

Douglas Murray gives scorching response in heated Antisemitism vs Anti-Zionist debate

Douglas Murray, one of the most vocal Israel supporters since Oct. 7th decimated the debate opposition when he said if you ignore the other genocides across the world, and focus solely on Israel, you’re just an antisemite.

Posted on X: Douglas Murray's blistering rebuttal to Medhi Hasan during the 'Anti-Zionism vs Anti-Semitism' Munk debate:

DM: "I started by mentioning the war. There is no law of war that says you're allowed to start a war then complain when you lose it."

"If Medhi cares about the Palestinian casualties, then tell your bosses in Qatar to tell their friends in Gaza to stop the war and give back the hostages."

The more Medhi spoke, the more he lost support for his own cause. So by all means Medhi, continue speaking about this topic.

If you want to watch the whole two hour debate you can find it here.

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[email protected] 05:15 02.07.2024
The uncivilized animals who did this need to be killed they have no business living in society.
Harry Burke 00:57 02.07.2024
[1] SAW video of Israeli baby being hacked out while mother was alive. Mother’s abdomen hacked open showing her intestines & guts as she bravely lifted her head to see her own guts & baby cut out...
Harry Burke 00:56 02.07.2024
[2] ..by sadistic Palestinian-Hamas barbarians who repeatedly slapped mother’s face to keep her conscious while cutting her guts out as she lay alive. Pro-Palestinian sympathising cunts need to watch!
Harry Burke 00:56 02.07.2024
[3] I am still trembling with rage & by the horrific sight of the Palestinian subhuman mutilation of this brave Israeli mother who suffered unthinkable pain & horror before she was finally killed.
[Anonymous] 23:28 01.07.2024
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