NEWSRAEL: The blocking of free speech, along with appeasement to Islamic terror is building a fascist state in Orwell's UK
“The Online Safety Act, which was passed into law under Rishi Sunak’s Conservative government.”
Sunak was a globalist, a conservative in name only. Now that the far-left Labour Party (which is even worse than the Conservatives) is ruling Britain, fascism is taking over. Anyone opposed to the government will be in danger of persecution if that government deems what they say to be a “speech crime.”
The Southport riots included the arrest of an 11-year-old child, and the UK government was subsequently accused of covering up the jihad terror ties of Southport suspect. The British public was left completely in the dark about what was driving the riots, as police dragged citizens out of their homes and arrested them. Media reports included incessant references to the “far right,” with little substance.
The protests included social media posts of violent Muslim gangs calling themselves the Muslim Defense League terrorizing the streets. Yet the state media neglected to give any of that coverage.
Britain is under siege with a fascist government that seeks to exert total control over its population, turning its detractors into dissidents.
The writing has been on the wall for a long time, yet the British electorate still voted in Keir Starmer and his far-left Labour Party, the party that covered up Muslim rape gangs; promotes the “Islamophobia” subterfuge; supports open-door migration policies, despite lying about this to gain votes; has no concern for national security; and is now cracking down on basic freedoms.