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NEW IN THE IDF: "Hey "professional", what kind of bomb is that?"

In 3 questions and less than a minute - Yahalom's new chat bot identifies the bomb!

Have you heard of a robot that detects explosive devices in just a few simple questions? This is not a segment from a science fiction movie or a large and cumbersome tool, but a real system that is in the palm of a soldier's hand. 

We heard about the new chat bot of the Bomb Disposal Squadron, and we found out how in 3 questions and less than a minute - it helps hit a bull

To understand how the new chat bot, which was named "Professional", works, you need to enter the mind of a fighter in the engineering commando: you were sent on a mission to clear a fallen rocket that crossed into Israel and was intercepted. You are approaching the landmark, wearing a special protective suit, and in the bag on your back are heavy-duty guides that will guide you on how to neutralize charges of hundreds of types.

But even before you can cut the first cord, you will have to face an equally complex challenge - identifying the armament. "The theory of neutralization is constantly being updated according to the development of the enemy," testifies Capt. S., a senior officer in the Israel Defense Forces, "therefore, when the reservists mobilized at the beginning of the war, we encountered gaps in their identification capabilities. It is important to note that this is a complex job even for the regular fighters - they come across loads of hundreds of types and must handle them precisely and quickly."

Following the gaps, when they were called to neutralize falling rockets or interceptors, the fighters would establish contact from the field with an officer in the unit - who would help identify the charge in front of them. The officer would locate the matching armament and relay the information back. But the forces in the field needed a method that would allow them to do it themselves, without depending on another factor.

"We took this concept of 'someone to consult with,' and built a chatbot for them that automates the process," explains Major (resp.) Shimon, commander of Unit 1337 in the Land Technology Brigade, where the 'Professional' system was developed. What the fighter has to do is answer a short questionnaire, and provide identifying information about the cargo in front of them."

So how does it actually work? The bot presents the most classified question according to the answers given so far. Thus, it narrows down all the possibilities at a record pace, within three questions on average - and provides accurate identification. As soon as the fighter receives the result, he is sent pictures of the same armament in different lighting and from different angles, so that he can verify that it is indeed the charge in front of him.

For anyone who has ever experimented with systems like GPT Chat, this is a very similar user experience. The developers at the unit, which sits under the LID department (Digital Land Warfare in Israel), integrated into the "Professional" an artificial intelligence algorithm that rebuilds the questions based on the entered details, with the goal of locating the correct bomb out of hundreds, with a minimal number of questions.

"In the event that he gives 'illogical' answers and the bot fails to identify what it is, the system automatically calls an officer who will provide a human response," explains Captain S., "After the identification, the soldiers still have to find the exact neutralization instructions, but the process is significantly shortened when they know Exactly which bomb they are facing. In addition, the system displays safety instructions adapted to the specific payload, to provide the fighters with maximum protection."

The development of the system, as Major (res.) Shimon emphasizes, was made possible thanks to a joint dialogue and connection between the product developers and managers - to the operational end: "We believe in getting to the field and seeing the problems with our own eyes - and thus finding a solution in the best way. We are constantly thinking of innovative solutions, no matter how simple or complex they may be, to meet the needs of the forces."

The abilities of a "professional" provide an important advantage to young and veteran fighters alike, as they themselves testify. "When we first met with the tax collector, we were sure that this was a process of months. We didn't expect to receive a prototype within a few weeks," admits the senior officer in Israel, "The fighters are very satisfied, and are already using it in the field. This of course does not replace the judgment they must exercise and the rigor with which they work, but this is a very significant aid to combat our".

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Lamko Cecile 21:45 26.06.2024
They are jealous of the Jewish people because the Savior of the world is a Jew and and nations worship Him(Jesus Christ) and because of Him le the the state of Israel is highly respected by
Aliza Circle 20:43 26.06.2024
The IDF ✡️ 🇮🇱 ✡️ 🇮🇱 ✡️ are risking their lives to eliminate the terrorism, destroy their tunnels, and bring the hostages home.
Raquel Serrano 18:57 26.06.2024
Amazingly awesome 👍 Keep up with the innovation. Blessings 🙏
Joseph Jernigan 16:01 26.06.2024
Why did we tell the enemy what you're doing
[Anonymous] 16:00 26.06.2024
I keep thinking about all the innovations and discoveries that Jews continue to make. Then wonder more than ever why people want them gone!!?!
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