Spoiler: It is estimated that the number of those fleeing will only increase!
The Akkar region in northern Lebanon has become a refuge in recent days for Alawites who fled areas along the Syrian coast following security clashes between Syrian government forces and the so-called “remnants” of the former regime.
The refugees, who found refuge in the homes of their relatives in villages in northern Lebanon, mainly in Akkar, crossed the border through illegal crossings.
“MORE THAN 5,000”
In this context, an Akkar representative in the Lebanese parliament, Ahmed Rustum, explained to Al Arabiya.net that “more than five thousand people have been displaced from their homes in recent days from villages and towns on the Syrian coast and fled towards the Akkar region, most of them Alawites living in Syria.”
According to him, “These displaced people turned to the areas of the Aqr plain, which are mostly Alawites, including Tal Hamira, Al-Haysa, Al-Massaudiyah, Al-Rihanya and Al-Samqiya, while another group turned to the Jabal Mohsen area in Tripoli.”
Rustum, the representative of the Alawite community in parliament, also noted that “these displaced people sought refuge with their relatives inside Lebanon, where they filled houses in addition to the city halls.”
He called on Lebanon to develop a plan to deal with this wave of displacement.
The MP estimates that there will be an increase in the waves of displacement in the coming days, and expressed his fear that the spark of clashes on the Syrian coast could spread to areas in Lebanon.