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WATCH: Chinese video praises Hamas as 'intelligent, disciplined' 

Adds: "With Chinese tactical guidance, it won't take more than 2.5 years to complete the unfinished project of that 'failed artist'" – Hitler

On July 5, 2024, the "Today's Military Fans" channel on the Chinese social media platform Kuaishou posted a video showing missiles purportedly being prepared for use in a Hamas weapons manufacturing facility. 

The narrator praised Hamas for being "an intelligent and disciplined force," and he said that with China's tactical guidance, it won't take more than 2.5 years "to successfully complete the unfinished project left behind by that failed art student [i.e. Adolf Hitler]."

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Vicky Cohn 10:13 28.07.2024
3rld world war is already here and no one gets it!!!!
Lincoln Spillane 02:44 28.07.2024
It is scary in Revelations it says the blood will run 8 ft deep in the block in the baka valley in the Middle East. I think there are enough Chinese people to get the blood that deep.
[Anonymous] 16:11 27.07.2024
That looks like the Book of Revelations coming to pass.
G Green 10:04 27.07.2024
Yes, come quickly Lord Jesus/Yeshua 🙏❤️
FREDERIC PUDDER 09:12 27.07.2024
They have lost what little sense they had. They are now monsters too and enemies of all life.
FREDERIC PUDDER 09:11 27.07.2024
The Chinese are evil and they are embracing evil. They now want to help terrorists murder Jews and Isrealis and destroy Israel.
Lawrence Shockley 08:44 27.07.2024
It's all lining up as the Bible prophesied my prayer is Come What May we need you back on this Earth Lord Jesus
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