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"Many prominent Muslim clerics hold the view that mosques are more than just places of worship, and that using them for military purposes as part of jihad is legitimate."  - March 1, 2009, Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center

Readers of NEWSRAEL will know that many of the important MEMRI videos we have posted show Imam or other clerics in the West with message of war, conquest, hatred of the "Infidels" and promise of taking over the Western countries they live in. These "sermons" usually end in Arabic prayers calling for the annihilation of Jews, Christians and anyone who doesn't accept Islam.

These clerics will tell you in one paragraph that the Jews are trying to take over the world (BAD), and then tell their "flock" that Allah promised that Islam would rule the world (GREAT).

To the local people who pass by a mosque - they see a place for prayer, just like their church or synagogue. 

We all need to WAKE UP. 

Muhammad used his first mosque as a headquarters to plan war. Later on, as prayer became more pronounced in Islam, they added that to the activities of the mosque.

Today, the German police raided all of the Islamic centers run by Iran and closed the Hamburg Islamic Center which the government said: "promotes radical and totalitarian Islamist ideology in Germany".

Also today - THREE Memri videos were published from 3 different mosques in Canada that their "Friday Sermons" (sounds spiritual, doesn't it?) were messages of Islamic Supremacy and open Jihad. Just today.

Like MEMRI - It is one of our "jobs" here at NEWSRAEL to report. It is up to YOU to follow up in your country, state and city, to alert your police, you representatives in government of this threat.

We must act on this information and promote the awareness of this incitement to Jihad in our very midst.

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steven l 15:30 22.12.2024
Jihadism must be confronted heads on.
Barry Klempel 03:59 22.12.2024
Time for the 6th plus crusade to begin. Islam has no right to be tolerated by any nation.
ronald singer 23:06 21.12.2024
Shutter ALL mosques and outlaw Islam ! It’s not a 1st Amendment right to overthrow a host nation !!
G Green 22:19 21.12.2024
[Anonymous] 20:44 21.12.2024
Islam is not a religion of peace. Far from it. They want to establish Sharia Law wherever they are and not by peaceful means. They have already taken over Europe. Is America next?
ISIDRO LUIS-TOVAR 14:08 25.07.2024
Anony 👍
Cheri Mello 08:01 25.07.2024
They Need To QUIT PROMOTiNG Islam as a Religion Of “ LOVE “ ❤️ Really 😳?
Greg Creech 00:18 25.07.2024
If a mosque in the US is tax free and promoting violence it should be shut down and all tax benefits removed.
[Anonymous] 19:41 24.07.2024
Our hope is for the best but prepared for the worst !! We need to keep our eyes on our LORD ELOHIM !!
[Anonymous] 19:37 24.07.2024
I know YESHUA coming is near & we have be hope for the best & pta pare forget the worst keep our eyes in our LORD ELOHIM !!
[Anonymous] 19:32 24.07.2024
People don’t listen thy feel invulnerable because of MANY arsenals at home all Caine not body care entertainment & BARS are important for all my country is going down for lack of wisdom !!
Troy Allison 19:30 24.07.2024
The twisted "Theology" of Islam is an aberation to all things good and Holy. There only evil to be gained when any 'Religion' hijacks the name of G-d for any other purpose than Worsipping Him as direc
[Anonymous] 19:21 24.07.2024
Deep tribal enemies against each other and the 🌎 jealous envy and destructive !!!
[Anonymous] 19:19 24.07.2024
Muslim mosque 🕌 are headwaters of terrorist organization’s enterprise terrorists Airoports hospitals house’s schools it’s what they ALL ARE REBELLIOUS WILD 🫏 that’s what they’re !!
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