After two or three days in Iran, it was possible to feel the optimism among the public and the merchant community that the geopolitical tension was about to dissipate, today a change in trend can be observed.
The dollar exchange rate is coming back and strengthening on the black market and today is trading around 685,500 riyals, not far from the level it was on the eve of the Israeli attacks on Saturday (692,000).
The Tehran Stock Exchange, which has seen gains since the attack, has already faltered today and the main index remains at the same level as yesterday.
As we recall, after the attacks on Saturday, the Iranian leadership mocked the Israeli attacks and it seemed that Iran would not have to respond.
But in the last two days the tone is changing and more and more voices are being heard from the Iranian elite that a response must come. This apparently stresses the Iranian public who fears that Israel's response in the next round will be even stronger.
Even the government spokeswoman's statement from today that the Iranian defense budget will be increased by 200% probably does not add to the peace of the Iranian public...