44% of young Gazans considered emigrating even before the war
The question being asked today around the world is whether President Donald Trump's plan to resettle Gazans in other countries can succeed. Judging by a poll taken just prior to the war, before much of Gaza was destroyed, Trump's proposal is reasonable.
The poll by the top Palestinian polling agency, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, found that a full 44% of Gazan youth between the ages of 18-29 were considering emigrating. Nearly a third (31%) of the entire population considered emigrating.
Gazans' "most preferred destination for immigration is Turkey, followed by Germany, Canada, the United States, and Qatar," the poll found.
The largest percentage said they want to leave for economic reasons; second and third reasons are "political" or educational opportunities. The fourth reason is security, and the fifth is corruption.
Since such a large number wanted to leave when there was no war and no destruction, there is no doubt that today, the numbers will be much higher.
Facing years of life in tents and rubble, breathing dust and hearing endless construction noise, the number wanting to leave today, especially among the youth who desire to start a life and build a future, will be far above 50%.
PA and Hamas will reject the plan
Two important things must be noted: Firstly, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas undoubtedly will reject this plan for political reasons, even though it is best for the residents. Neither the Palestinian Authority nor Hamas has put the good of its people ahead of political considerations. They will fight it in every possible way.
Secondly, if pollsters ask Palestinians what they want now, they might not choose emigration because of fear of being called traitors.
Accordingly, if Trump wants his plan to succeed, he must bypass the Palestinian Authority and Hamas and work directly with the people. Gazans who choose to leave must be guaranteed secrecy and protection during the process.
Once people start leaving, those left behind will feel jealous of those already out of the Gaza hell. Once those who are resettled start sending messages about their new lives and pictures of their new homes, the floodgates will open.
Written by Itamar Marcus PHOTO: Use according to Section 27 A