NEWSRAEL: Whether or not this is connected to reality is not important - the fact that Muslims are taught to believe this is going to lead to violence. What other ethnic group teaches their children to want to rule America?
Charlotte, NC Friday Sermon by Imam Haroon Sait: Fifty years from now, Muslims will be the number one group in America; Calling Christians to Islam is the easiest thing to do; I can Call Christians to Islam in the middle of Manhattan and not even Trump or Biden can stop me.
Charlotte, NC Imam Haroon Sait said in his December 6, 2024 sermon at the Muslim Community Center in Charlotte that America is a “gold mine” for da’wah, which is the act of calling people to Islam. He said that there are no restrictions on da’wah in the United States, unlike even an Islamic country like Saudi Arabia, and that neither Trump nor Biden could stop him for performing da’wah in the middle of Manhattan.
He said that in 50 years, Islam will surpass Christianity in the United States, and he gave practical advice on how to preach Islam to Christians, declaring: “Approaching Christians with the message of Islam is the easiest thing to do.”