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94 Hypocritical Rabbis

Refusing to call on Qatar and Egypt to pressure Hamas suggests that they are primarily interested in pressuring only Israel. 

MOSHE PHILLIPS -- (August 29, 2024 / JNS) More than 90 rabbis and cantors signed a letter this month to Israel’s prime minister, demanding that Israel cease firing at Hamas and release a large number of terrorists to gain the release of the hostages in the Gaza Strip. When the same clergy were asked to sign a letter calling on Qatar and Egypt to pressure Hamas to release the hostages, guess how many signed on?

Five. That’s right, just five.

The letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which was organized by the “Bring Them Home Now” campaign, urged him to “finalize the deal on the table.” According to media reports, the two main components of that deal are that Israel will stop pursuing the gang rapists and baby-beheaders of Oct. 7 and will release many hundreds—perhaps even thousands—of terrorists who have murdered or attempted to murder Jews.

It’s peculiar to use the slogan “Bring Them Home Now,” which indicates that it is within Israel’s power to do so.

A more appropriate slogan would have been “Let My People Go” because that would be aimed at Hamas, which is holding the hostages, and at the governments that support Hamas and could exercise leverage on it. “Bring Them Home Now” puts most or all of the onus on Israel.

That appears to have been the intent of the letter of the nearly 100 rabbis and cantors—to put pressure on Israel, to put the blame on Israel, to put all the responsibility for the fate of the hostages on Israel’s shoulders.

Nowhere in their letter did the 99 rabbis call on Hamas to surrender. Nowhere did they call for action by Qatar, which finances Hamas, or by Egypt, which controls Gaza’s western border.

So, we at Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI) decided to organize a second letter to correct the imbalance. We sent it to all the rabbis and cantors who signed the first one.

As I explained in my cover note to these rabbis and cantors, our letter deliberately mimicked the language of the first letter, except ours was directed at Qatar and Hamas. We used the same language to make it as comfortable as possible for all 99 rabbis and cantors to sign on. If they were satisfied with the language of the first letter, then they should have been satisfied with the language of the second one—or so we assumed.

The only difference between the two letters was that instead of putting the onus exclusively on Israel, we sought to put the onus where it belongs—on those who finance Hamas or have other leverage over the terrorists. Our letter was an exercise in supreme evenhandedness.

Email can be tricky; sometimes an email goes unnoticed. So we emailed our letter, with an accompanying explanation, to all 99 rabbis and cantors not once, not twice, but three times over a six-day period. We wanted to make sure every one of them received it.

Four rabbis and one cantor agreed to sign. Ten others sent back rather coldhearted responses.

A Reform rabbi in Maryland sent a curt two-word reply: “Not interested.” Isn’t that something? It seems as if he’s “interested” in the fate of the hostages only if it gives him an opportunity to blame Israel.

A Conservative rabbi in Virginia accused us of “plagiarizing” the first letter, even after we carefully explained that we deliberately mimicked that language.

An unaffiliated rabbi in California said he would not sign it because it is, as he put it, “unevenhanded.” Funny—that didn’t stop him from signing the first one, with its “unevenhanded” pressure on Israel alone.

As for the other 70 or so, they ignored our multiple emails altogether.

What can we learn from this troubling episode?

There has been a debate in Israel and the American Jewish community in recent weeks concerning the motives of those who are demanding that Israel make more concessions to gain the release of the hostages.

Critics have charged that some of the protesters are using the hostages issue as yet another weapon to score points against a government that they already oppose on other issues. In other words, they’re exploiting the hostages in order to advance their political agenda.

By refusing to sign a petition that used their own language—with the only difference being that it is addressed to Qatar and Egypt—these rabbis have lent credence, perhaps, some unwittingly, to the accusations of their critics. Refusing to call on Qatar and Egypt to pressure Hamas suggests that they are primarily interested in pressuring only Israel.

What a tragedy that the fate of innocent Israelis and American hostages should be undermined by such cynicism, hypocrisy and political point-scoring. Kudos to the four lonely rabbis and one cantor who agreed to press Qatar and Egypt. And shame on their colleagues.

Moshe Phillips is national chairman of Americans For A Safe Israel, a leading pro-Israel advocacy and education group.

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Cindy 05:00 02.09.2024
Cabal rabbis. Find their hidden riches. These are the ones who do child sacrifice. They need to be brought down. Publish their names! Or are you afraid?
Bobby Sargel 04:24 02.09.2024
I note that what I would normally scrape off the sole of my shoes, are described as "Rabbis" in the US. These quasi political movements are what have reduced American Jewry to today's current abysmal
Barbara Press 03:30 02.09.2024
Reminder of a disastrous Stephen Wise a reform rabbi went all out to stop America interfering in the Holocaust. The Reform movement sympathetic to Muslims will collapse as Chabad supports Israel
[Anonymous] 01:07 02.09.2024
Let not these disruptive rabbis dissuade you from your military mission. Hashem does not know them nor hear them.
Mark Sanders 23:45 01.09.2024
Everything g ever done by a liberal do-gooder makes things makes things worse. Let’s start with The War on Poverty
[Anonymous] 23:12 01.09.2024
Send these 100 cowards to the front line. That might change their minds.
[Anonymous] 20:31 01.09.2024
Many American and Canadian Jews like that. In my shul NO one participated in rallies to release hostages. NO ON6. However, they are praying for Israel. I pert stopped going to that shul. I feel betray
Sue S 20:26 01.09.2024
As a Jew, I would NEVER NOT support ISRAEL! Aside from having family living there for generations, it's a stab to the soul, worse than eating bacon!!! These Rabbis need to learn about being Jewish!!!
[Anonymous] 20:24 01.09.2024
What sort of ‘clergy’ is this? I assumed you needed something between your ears to graduate from the seminaries
[Anonymous] 20:23 01.09.2024
Where can I find the names and affiliations of these so called 99” rabbis”? Dollars to cents I’m more affiliated with the Greek Orthodox Chirch then they are with traditional Judaism. ( Im pure Jewis
[Anonymous] 20:22 01.09.2024
Where can I find the names and affiliations of these so called 99” rabbis”? Dollars to cents I’m more affiliated with the Greek Orthodox Chirch then they are with traditional Judaism. ( Im pure Jewi
[Anonymous] 20:17 01.09.2024
Where is the list of names of these ‘so called rabbi
Lee Holmes 06:34 01.09.2024
Often you hear their Claims to be for a Jewish future and yet they are politically motivated Anti Israel , How sad
Sandy Grant 02:33 01.09.2024
Blow up the prisons… these people are murders, rapists and unfit to live free. They will be released to kill again
Joanna Zimmerman 01:24 01.09.2024
None of these “Rabbis” would be recognized as such in Israel. Nobody has asked for their opinion, and nobody really cares what these self righteous hypocrites say.
[Anonymous] 00:57 01.09.2024
??? I’m confused ??? Is this a manifestation of a disorder like Patty Hearst sympathy for her kidnappers?
Pete Pala 00:39 01.09.2024
The A--hole with his leg over her body? Idve cut it off and shoved it up his ass. But for real, he's part of Gaza dust.
Pete Pala 00:26 01.09.2024
Truth is: quite likely.
Pete Pala 00:26 01.09.2024
I'd truly like to think the human shit in that truck (NOT Shani) suffocated in a blown tunnel bombing. In the cold, dank, dark, humid tunnels they so love.
[Anonymous] 00:22 01.09.2024
Woke Rabbis go broke, stop attending their synagogues
Cindy 00:21 01.09.2024
Now you know exactly which Rabbis are on the payroll of the elite cabal. They’re probably baby killers for Baal too! This is great news. Power to the people! Get rid of these creeps.
[Anonymous] 23:51 31.08.2024
Stupid auntie Israel rabbis and cantors.. the hell with them!! They know nothing!! Explain to these religious morons. Israel didn’t start this Israel now is defending protecting. How dumb you rabbis
[Anonymous] 23:50 31.08.2024
Are these rabbis uneducated except in reading the Torah.. to stick their noses in Israel’s politics, I served in the Israeli army. These rabbis can kiss my ass and Israelis asses
[Anonymous] 23:49 31.08.2024
Vivaldi’s rabbis are uneducated. Sure, they know the Torah.But nothing else not history geography anything but the Torah they are uneducated. If you ask me, they know shit about military.
David Lasoff 23:34 31.08.2024
Easy for a bunch of American rabbis who most of them likely have no skin the game
David Lasoff 23:33 31.08.2024
Also, we mock the sacrifices of the hundreds who have died to defeat the enemy just to give up on destroying them for the sake of a few at the actual expense of the many.
David Lasoff 23:31 31.08.2024
Anyone who thinks that bending over and taking it in the ass from terrorists to save the lives of hostages is blind to the fact by doing so, the entire population of Israel become hostages.
H Ydra 23:28 31.08.2024
and cantors hsve their names and synagogues listed so a mail campaign can correct their uneve
H Ydra 23:24 31.08.2024
I suggest that this list of anti-zionist rabbbi's and canta
darrel snider 22:41 31.08.2024
No rabbis, you dumber then I thought.
[Anonymous] 22:34 31.08.2024
As a Jew, it angers me that many of my fellow American Jews have turned out to a disgrace, if not outright KAPOS.
John Hagood 22:11 31.08.2024
I am totally stunned. I am extremely baffled by the Rabbis and Cantors in the USA. Please make me understand how they think.
[email protected] 22:09 31.08.2024
For a rabbi to put pressure on the Israeli Prime Minister to Achieve a short term goal, while placing his country in longer term deadly peril is obscene. Those rabbis do not deserve respect.
Roxanne Rummler 22:07 31.08.2024
The hypocrisy runs deep and wide. It's quite pathetic actually. If I didn't trust in my Lord and Savior's sovereignty I'd go mad!!
[Anonymous] 22:04 31.08.2024
I never ever thought that I could hate this much but I hate these fking pigs
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