Dearborn Green Party Activist Wissam Charafeddine: The American empire must fall to give rise to the democracy of justice established by the Founding Fathers; We must fight the American Empire.
Dearborn, MI Green Party activist Wissam Charafeddine stated in a panel uploaded to What’s Up Media on YouTube that the time has come to shatter the two-party system in America.
He declared that Arab-Americans must fight against the American empire to help establish the “democracy of justice” envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
Charafeddine also asserted that the United States is using Arab-Americans to kill their own people in Lebanon, much like Britain and France used their colonized subjects to fight their wars.
NEWSRAEL: WARNING: Arab tactic - distorting the most evident facts to push their own agenda, hoping to ensnare the ignorant.