What we all saw today has brought home to us an almost unbearable truth: The Palestinian Nazis have surpassed the German Nazis.
The one characterization that German and Palestinian Nazis share is not so much their zeal in killing innocents - but in their sadism.
The German Nazis didn't just kill Jews and others - they first put stuck them inside trains without room to move, without food, without telling them what would be their fate. Then they kept them, sadistically, in camps and let them suffer, sometimes for years, before they were gassed to death.
So too the Palestinian Nazis. Keeping them closed in cells, in cages underground. Raped (both men and women), abused, and underfed.
But the German Nazis did their dirty deeds in secret. Not that they didn't have propaganda machine - they did, and they used them, but their movies were showing the "heroic" victories and the great life of their people under the Nazis.
Germans - both then and today - show deep shame for what was done. They German Nazis did all they could to hide it.
While they admitted, in the Nuremberg trials that they killed millions of Jews in the camps, the best they could do was to say that they were following orders.
The Palestinian Nazis, and this includes the terrorists and the vast majority of their people are PROUD of what they did. They show it to the whole world. They build actual stages. They film it from every angle. They show the people screaming for blood. The more sadistic they are, the prouder the "uninvolved" Palestinians are, and the louder they cheer.
If that wasn't enough, they shout the fact in their mosques and in social media!
Gobbles would have been astounded.
Then, there are those who say: The Hamas "only" killed 1,200 Israelis - how can you compare?
To them we say: "Yes - but that was only because there was the IDF who stood in their way. It should be clear that the intent of those Nazis on Oct 7 2023 was to go on and on killing until they were stopped. If they were allowed to, the Hamas from Gaza, the Arabs from Judea and Samaria, many Israeli Arabs inside the "green line" and Arabs from Lebanon would have killed within a very short period of time - millions of Jews.
Don't be mistaken - today we know. The Palestinian Nazis have far outdone their German counterparts.
P.S.: In all this, isn't it 'nice' to know that the International Red Cross who didn't help the Jews during the Holocaust, hasn't changed - and didn't do anything for our hostages today?
Photo: Reuters