Can you talk about Gazans leaving Gaza? No. Can you talk about destroying Israel and killing millions of Jews, or at best, forcing them to leave? Yes.
While the world is angry at even the thought of allowing Gazans to leave "their land" - the Arab plan of destroying Israel is fine and talked about daily for the last 100 years.
When Hamas says IN IT'S CHARTER that terribly anti-Semitic Islamic hadith:
The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him." (Article 7)
Virtually DAILY, Arabs and Muslims around the world call to kill THE Jews (in other words - ALL of them) and you never hear condemnation from International organizations, politicians, media or "Human rights" groups - but have Trump, or anyone say the world "transfer" and the world explodes, each one rushing to be first to condemn, and the followers to be the ones who condemn them with stronger wording.
In western mosques, the leading cleric gives sermons on how terrible Jews are, reminding their "flocks" that the Hadith of the Day of Judgement will not come until the Jews are killed. This is then repeated by leaders, professors and finally - the students in the streets.
When the yell: "From the river to the sea" - they mean: We are going to massacre Jews like on 10/7, and throw out those left alive.
Kill Jews. The world is angry that the few remaining Jews (15 million in the whole world) don't let them.
Like we saw with the Arab expulsion of 900,000 Jews from the Arab countries in 1948-50, the Jordanian expulsion of Jews from the Old City of Jerusalem and Gush Etzion, the Jews from the Gaza Strip in 2005 - throwing Jews from their homes is fine with the world. Killing them is fine, and even to be celebrated.
But the Trump plan which is removing Arabs from Gaza and returning them after Gaza is rebuilt is being condemned from the "Beacons of Humanity" from Tehran to Paris.